Training activity information


Apply the appropriate analytical strategies to solid cancer and haematological malignancy cases


Entrustable training activity (ETA)

Evidence requirements

Evidence the activity has been undertaken by the trainee repeatedly, consistently, and effectively over time, in a range of situations. This may include occasions where the trainee has not successfully achieved the outcome of the activity themselves. For example, because it was not appropriate to undertake the task in the circumstances or the trainees recognised their own limitations and sought help or advice to ensure the activity reached an appropriate conclusion. ​

Reflection at multiple timepoints on the trainee learning journey for this activity.


  • Filtering strategies
  • Tumour normal and driver variants
  • National guidance for testing and rationale for selection of testing protocol
  • Communication with the tumour board
  • Somatic, germline, circulating free DNA and RNA fusion
  • Potential patient pathways
  • Storage of data in appropriate formats according to local and national standards, taking into consideration patient confidentiality
  • Implications for the patient e.g., pharmacogenetic

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 2 Outcome

Evaluate sources of information about variation in the human genome including access, application and clinical impact.

# 3 Outcome

Select appropriate tools for next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis of inherited and acquired disease.

# 4 Outcome

Analyse NGS data in a clinical setting applying appropriate quality control and data validation.