Training activity information


Discuss with a patient obtaining a semen/sperm sample for analysis


Entrustable training activity (ETA)

Evidence requirements

Evidence the activity has been undertaken by the trainee repeatedly, consistently, and effectively over time, in a range of situations. This may include occasions where the trainee has not successfully achieved the outcome of the activity themselves. For example, because it was not appropriate to undertake the task in the circumstances or the trainees recognised their own limitations and sought help or advice to ensure the activity reached an appropriate conclusion. ​

Reflection at multiple timepoints on the trainee learning journey for this activity.


  • Patient experience, including psychological aspects
  • Local referral pathways
  • Acceptable methods of sample production
  • Patient’s ability to produce samples onsite
  • Guidance for appropriate production, transport and handling for samples produced offsite
  • Communication of complex information to non-experts
  • Two-way communication to ensure patient awareness of procedures
  • Cultural and religious sensitivities
  • Patient centred care and support
  • Factors affecting validity of the sample
  • Service users’ requirement surveys
  • Alternative sample production methods, for example: withdrawal, silastic condom, vibratory stimulation and post-coital urine
  • Failure to produce
  • WHO manual

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 1 Outcome

Explain to a patient the process for providing sperm and semen sample for analysis, addressing patient concerns.