Training activity information


Provide guidance as to appropriate ART and outcome prediction using laboratory investigations in andrology and patient histories


Developmental training activity (DTA)

Evidence requirements

Evidence the activity has been undertaken by the trainee​.

Reflection on the activity at one or more time points after the event including learning from the activity and/or areas of the trainees practice for development.

An action plan to implement learning and/or to address skills or knowledge gaps identified.


  • Result origins
  • Female and male age factors
  • Importance of diagnosis in both partners
  • Previous interventions and treatments
  • Accuracy of patient self-reported information in the context of investigative results, for example steroid abuse

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 1 Outcome

Interpret common andrology diagnoses to provide assisted reproductive technologies (ART) outcome prediction and patient management.

# 2 Outcome

Identify additional tests to aid in diagnosis or implications of observed disease.