Competency information


Perform and interpret swim-up techniques and density gradient separation of sperm samples of different quality, including:

  • antisperm antibody-positive samples
  • retrograde samples
  • severe oligoasthenozoospermic samples
  • frozen samples, including donor samples.


  • In-depth knowledge of the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for normal and abnormal semen parameters.
  • In-depth knowledge of the importance of how suboptimal samples may affect fertilisation rates.
  • Basic knowledge of the aetiology of male factor infertility.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the different methods that can be applied to prepare semen samples of differing qualities.
  • Working knowledge of how cryoprotectants may affect the quality of sperm and how osmotic shock may occur during the process.
  • Implications of incorrect use of cryoprotectants on sample quality and outcomes.

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 1 Outcome Follow correct witnessing procedures to comply with HFEA regulations.
# 2 Outcome Handle gametes correctly to maintain viability.
# 4 Outcome Perform the different methods of sperm preparation techniques.
# 5 Outcome Identify patients who, based on clinical parameters, require either in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).