Competency information


Work in partnership with healthcare colleagues to promote a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach to patient care.


  • Working in partnership with patients and clinical/non-clinical staff.
  • Multidisciplinary team roles and scope in orthognathic surgery, clinical psychologist, cancer nurses, body image counsellors, speech therapists.
  • Diagnostic services, histopathology, cytology, haematology.

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 1 Outcome Obtain consent and make contemporaneous patient records from a range of patients referred to Reconstructive Science using a recognised structure and applying the principles of patient-centred care.
# 2 Outcome Perform a clinical examination, identifying clinical features and relating the clinical features to image data, recognising abnormalities of head neck and referring where appropriate.
# 3 Outcome Identify and classify common craniofacial anomalies and complete pre- surgical planning for simple procedures using clinical assessment, image analysis, 3D modelling data and dental casts.