Competency information


Explain and discuss treatment options for patients with congenital absence of pinna (ears) that require an auricular (ear) prosthesis with patients, their carers or relatives and colleagues as appropriate.


  • Reconstruction options for the patient in relation to autogenous or alloplastic materials. Identify the pros and cons of each in relation to different patient circumstance.

Medical Legal Aspects

  • Medical legal aspects of treating patients, patients’ complaints procedures, carers.
  • Personal Protective Equipment regulations.
  • Medical history and records, patient and professional communication.
  • Medical ethics.
  • Informed choice/consent/negligence and maxillofacial prosthetics practice.
  • Clinical indications for and contraindications to each prosthetic option.
  • Principles of the clinical management of facial prostheses.

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 7 Outcome Discuss treatment options, design, plan, manufacture, fit and evaluate a range of auricular (ear) prostheses for patients with congenital absence of pinna (external part of the ear) prosthesis with the patient, their carers or relatives, and colleagues, as appropriate.