Competency information


Explain the procedure for each type of investigation to the patient, address any procedure-related questions they may have and provide information on how the patient will be informed of the results.


  • The importance of explaining the procedure to the patient.
  • The pathophysiology of the vascular system and the appropriate choice of investigation, considering the findings from the history and clinical examination.
  • Common questions and concerns of patients about procedures.
  • Risks and benefits of undertaking the investigation.
  • The information needs of patients following investigation.
  • The authority level for provision of information to patients.
  • Process of notifying patients of the results.

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 2 Outcome Plan, prepare and acquire an ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) from a range of adult patients.
# 3 Outcome Interpret the results of ABPI measurement, differentiating between normal and abnormal results.