Competency information


Plan investigations for various ophthalmic/vision referrals with supervisor.


  • The range of conditions of patients referred for ophthalmology/vision testing.
  • The referral system and the range of tests performed in ophthalmology/optometric/orthoptic and low vision aid clinics.
  • The range and types of information required and its importance.
  • How to check for validity of information.
  • Appropriate action to be taken in the event of missing or invalid information.
  • Types of investigation, their purpose and appropriateness for conditions presented.
  • Assessment of the appropriateness of investigations requested with reference to the clinical question and the reason for referral.
  • Potential special requirements of patients and their carers with respect to the environment, communication and personal needs.
  • Contraindications to each investigation.
  • Factors that may influence the duration and quality of investigations.
  • How to choose appropriate test strategy according to patient’s age, co- operation, ability and clinical condition.

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 1 Outcome Measure visual acuity using a LogMAR chart for adult subjects.
# 2 Outcome Perform an Ishihara colour vision assessment on an adult subject.
# 3 Outcome Perform an automated static perimetry or confrontation visual field on an adult subject.
# 4 Outcome Label the main peaks of a normal electroretinogram (ERG).
# 5 Outcome Identify the landmarks of the eye and fundus in different imaging modalities.