Competency information


Select suitable technology for each type of investigation, choosing and adapting the appropriate diagnostic technique, patient position, machine settings and transducer for each patient.


  • Factors influencing the choice of technology for investigating lower Gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Clinical indications, contraindications and patient benefit for lower gastrointestinal investigations.
  • Medication used to treat lower gastrointestinal symptoms.

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 1 Outcome Continue to perform and produce reports on non-invasive breath tests (hydrogen, methane – if there is a methane analyser available – and urea breath testing).
# 3 Outcome Perform anorectal manometry procedures in patients presenting with a range of conditions, for example obstetric trauma, pre- and post-surgical defaecatory problems, slow transit constipation, obstructive defaecation, neurological disorders.
# 4 Outcome Perform endoanal ultrasound investigations in patients presenting with a range of conditions, including obstetric and surgical trauma, sepsis, fissures, faecal incontinence and obstructive defaecation.