Module information


Food water borne and animal associated infection
Stage Two
Module code

Module objective

By the end of the training period trainees will, in respect of respect to food- and water-borne infection and the public health and infection prevention and control requirements of such infections, be able to:

  • analyse, synthesise, evaluate and apply knowledge
  • perform, adapt and master a range of technical and clinical skills and procedures and
  • demonstrate the attitudes and behaviours necessary for professional practice as a consultant clinical scientist dealing with the complexities, uncertainties and tensions of professional practice at this level.

Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the training period the trainee will be able to demonstrate the ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesise relevant knowledge and its application to their professional practice in relation to:

  • the basic biology of the common pathogens involved in food- and water-borne infections and the special laboratory methods used to test for them (including the use of indicator organisms)
  • the current legislation and guidelines on the microbiological testing of food and water (food includes milk and dairy products; water includes potable and bathing waters)
  • the requirements for testing endoscopy rinse water and renal unit water, and the results that should be achieved
  • the working relationships with food examiners, local authority personnel (especially environmental health officers) and public health staff in monitoring, investigating and controlling foodborne outbreaks of infection.

Technical and clinical skills

By the end of the training period the trainee will be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of current relevant research, theory and knowledge and its application to the performance, adaptation and mastery of the following technical procedures and laboratory skills to: 

  • select of the appropriate laboratory tests and their interpretation
  • report to CCDC/CHP, health protection agencies and environmental health colleagues when appropriate
  • interpret the results and take appropriate action.

By the end of the training period the trainee will be able to apply knowledge of food, water-borne and animal associated infection to perform, adapt and master the clinical skills necessary to:

  • recognise clinical symptoms relating to food, water-borne and animal-associated infections.

Attitudes and behaviours


This module has no attitude and behaviours information.

Module assigned to


Specialty code Specialty title Action
Specialty code HLS2-1-20 Specialty title Microbiology [V1] Action View