Module information


Exotic and dangerous infections
Stage Two
Module code

Module objective

By the end of the training period trainees will, in respect to the range of infections classified as requiring CL4 laboratory containment and their distribution, differential diagnosis, management and treatment and the legislative framework and issues informing prevention of infection, management of the potentially infected patient and laboratory containment, be able to:

  • analyse, synthesise, evaluate and apply knowledge
  • perform, adapt and master a range of technical and clinical skills and procedures and
  • demonstrate the attitudes and behaviours necessary for professional practice as a consultant clinical scientist dealing with the complexities, uncertainties and tensions of professional practice at this level.

Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the training period the trainee will be able to demonstrate the ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesise relevant knowledge and its application to their professional practice in relation to:

  • the legislative framework underpinning health and safety at work including:
    • Health & Safety At Work Act (1974)
    • RIDDOR
    • COSHH
    • Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations (2001)
    • Management of Health and Safety At Work Regulations (1999)
    • Microbial Haemorrhagic Fever Memorandum (1990)
    • Smallpox Plan (2003)
    • ACDP organism classification
  • principles underlying CL4 laboratory design and practices
  • principles of patient containment
  • clinical, microbiological and epidemiological features and how they affect management
  • differential diagnosis and risk assessment of patients
  • clinical, microbiological and epidemiological features and how they affect management
  • differential diagnosis and risk assessment of patients
  • appropriate prophylactic regimens
  • Cabinet and suited CL4 laboratory design, safety features
  • Trexler isolator, constraints, international alternatives.

Technical and clinical skills

By the end of the training period the trainee will be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of current relevant research, theory and knowledge and its application to the performance, adaptation and mastery of the following technical procedures and laboratory skills to:

  • perform a risk assessment when required for all procedures undertaken in the laboratory.

By the end of the training period the trainee will be able to apply knowledge of exotic and dangerous infections, to perform, adapt and master the clinical skills necessary to manage:

  • a case of suspected infection due to an exotic or dangerous infective agent.

Attitudes and behaviours


This module has no attitude and behaviours information.

Module assigned to


Specialty code Specialty title Action
Specialty code HLS2-1-20 Specialty title Microbiology [V1] Action View