Training activity information


Complete and write up your project: discuss the conclusion of your project with your training officer/workplace supervisor


Developmental training activity (DTA)

Evidence requirements

Evidence the activity has been undertaken by the trainee​.

Reflection on the activity at one or more time points after the event including learning from the activity and/or areas of the trainees practice for development.

An action plan to implement learning and/or to address skills or knowledge gaps identified.


  • Literature and evidence base
  • Methodology
  • Data analysis
  • Sharing findings
  • Stakeholder and patient involvement
  • Patient centred care
  • Evaluating success and sharing good practice
  • Setting objectives and monitoring progress
  • Effective communication
  • Reflective practice

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 1 Outcome

Undertake a project to answer a healthcare related question, from conception to timely completion in accordance with ethical and research governance regulations, drawing on expert advice where necessary and involving patients and service users.

# 2 Outcome

Critically analyse and interpret data using appropriate methods and statistical techniques and draw conclusions.

# 3 Outcome

Critically evaluate and summarise the findings of the project in the context of the literature and application to clinical practice, identifying biases and limitations, using reporting guidelines where appropriate.