Training activity information


Conduct a clinical review of a patient who has undergone an intervention

Make a recommendation for future management, enacting or prescribing any iterations required


Developmental training activity (DTA)

Evidence requirements

Evidence the activity has been undertaken by the trainee​.

Reflection on the activity at one or more time points after the event including learning from the activity and/or areas of the trainees practice for development.

An action plan to implement learning and/or to address skills or knowledge gaps identified.


  • Patient centred care and support, including engagement and compliance
  • Patient’s unique circumstances
  • Engagement and compliance with treatment
  • Effectiveness of the technology in meeting the primary objective
  • Practical utility for the patient and carers
  • Requirements for maintenance/calibration or safety checks
  • Optimisation of function and utility
  • Options appraisal of alternative management strategies
  • Effectiveness of review conducted

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 2 Outcome

Communicate clearly and effectively with a range of stakeholders to inform and educate.

# 3 Outcome

Conduct a patient episode from referral to treatment including identification and prescription of healthcare technology.

# 4 Outcome

Explain the clinical impact of pathological processes and mechanisms and formulate appropriate measurement and intervention strategies for the condition.

# 5 Outcome

Appraise patient experiences, requirements and goals across specialist service areas.

# 8 Outcome

Evaluate outcome and evidence data for an individual or group of patients.