Training activity information


Reflect on how a patient’s beliefs and values have influenced their response to genetic counselling and testing and how you responded to these in trainee led consultations


Developmental training activity (DTA)

Evidence requirements

Evidence the activity has been undertaken by the trainee​.

Reflection on the activity at one or more time points after the event including learning from the activity and/or areas of the trainees practice for development.

An action plan to implement learning and/or to address skills or knowledge gaps identified.


  • Own attitudes, beliefs and values in relation to disability and culture, and consider how this could influence the consultation
  • Eliciting patients’ beliefs and values in relation to genetic counselling and/or testing
  • Influence of beliefs and values in an individual’s response to genetic counselling
  • Influence of beliefs and values in relation to genetic counselling and/or testing and the contribution to delivering better quality genetic counselling to the individual
  • Providing genetic counselling appropriately to patients from a diversity of social, economic and cultural backgrounds
  • The role of the genetic counsellor and other health professionals, e.g. interpreters in providing genetic counselling appropriately to patients from a diversity of social, economic and cultural backgrounds
  • Use of counselling supervision

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 1 Outcome

Lead on establishing the patient agenda and psychosocial needs in complex genetic and genomic counselling consultations, under the supervision of a GCRB registered Genetic Counsellor.

# 2 Outcome

Employ counselling skills to facilitate complex decision making during genetic and genomic counselling consultations.

# 3 Outcome

Apply communication skills to provide complex genomic test results in an empathic manner.

# 4 Outcome

Use counselling supervision and multidisciplinary meetings to work through ethical and cultural issues in genomic counselling practice.