Training activity information


Perform checks required before clinical use of inverse and forward planned patient treatments including patient specific quality assurance where appropriate


Entrustable training activity (ETA)

Evidence requirements

Evidence the activity has been undertaken by the trainee repeatedly, consistently, and effectively over time, in a range of situations. This may include occasions where the trainee has not successfully achieved the outcome of the activity themselves. For example, because it was not appropriate to undertake the task in the circumstances or the trainees recognised their own limitations and sought help or advice to ensure the activity reached an appropriate conclusion. ​

Reflection at multiple timepoints on the trainee learning journey for this activity.


  • Deliverability of the treatment plan
  • Independent MU checks
  • Tolerances and local procedures
  • Critical appraisal of results
  • Problem solving

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 3 Outcome

Apply appropriate guidance, regulations and codes of practice to ensure patient safety in all elements of practice.

# 6 Outcome

Develop and appraise external beam radiotherapy treatment plans for clinical use.

# 7 Outcome

Practice effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team.