Competency information


Contribute to service and quality improvement and productivity in the work base and embed evidence-based developments within routine practice.


  • How planning can actively contribute to the achievement of service goals.
  • How to measure and monitor performance against agreed targets.
  • The current structure, management, legal framework and quality improvement structures and processes within the NHS.
  • The current quality improvement structures and processes within the NHS and give examples of the implications for Healthcare Science.
  • Importance of self-care and shared care as part of NHS function and the impact of life-threatening and critical conditions.
  • Principles and application of evidence-based practice.

Relevant learning outcomes

# Outcome
# 8 Outcome Apply knowledge, skills and experience of research, development and innovation appropriate to the role in order to identify effectively actions that will improve service provision.
# 9 Outcome Engage in evidence-based practice, participate in audit procedures and critically search for, appraise and identify innovative approaches to practice and delivery.