Module information

Module details

Infection Prevention and Control, and Public Health
Module code

Aim of this module

This module will provide trainees with an overview of the wider public health actions associated with notifiable diseases and notifiable pathogens and the use of epidemiology to support routine surveillance and outbreak management.

Work-based content

Training activities

# Learning outcome Training activity Type Action
# 1 Learning outcome 1,7 Training activities

Investigate an outbreak or case of suspected cross-transmission in an institutional setting and formulate a management plan

Type DTA Action View
# 2 Learning outcome 2 Training activities

Create an outbreak report using descriptive epidemiological methods

Type DTA Action View
# 3 Learning outcome 3 Training activities

Review a local emergency preparedness procedure for a potential novel or emerging pathogen or deliberate release scenario against best practice and suggest updates

Type DTA Action View
# 4 Learning outcome 3 Training activities

Contribute to a clinical infection prevention and control audit and present the findings

Type DTA Action View
# 5 Learning outcome 1,7 Training activities

Support a Health Protection investigation

Type DTA Action View
# 6 Learning outcome 7 Training activities

Take part in the management of community acquired infectious diseases for groups that have been under-served and/or have experienced health inequality

Type DTA Action View
# 7 Learning outcome 4 Training activities

Review data that improves antimicrobial stewardship in a local setting and present the findings and suggested improvement

Type DTA Action View
# 8 Learning outcome 5 Training activities

Interpret typing results for a named pathogen in an outbreak or surveillance setting and make recommendations for action

Type ETA Action View
# 9 Learning outcome 6, 7 Training activities

Arrange to send a sample to a reference lab for testing, interpret the results and determine actions

Type ETA Action View
# 10 Learning outcome 1,7 Training activities

Contribute to a multi-agency response to an outbreak in a non-healthcare setting

Type DTA Action View
# 11 Learning outcome 3,6,7 Training activities

Interpret results from food, water, pharmaceutical or environmental microbiological testing and determine an action plan

Type DTA Action View


Complete 2 Case-Based Discussions

Complete 2 DOPS or OCEs

Direct Observation of Practical Skills Titles

  • Interpret typing data from a potential outbreak.
  • Interpret the epidemiology of an outbreak or incident, or epidemiological curve.
  • Interpret the result from an environmental or food related test and determine clinical actions.

Observed Clinical Event Titles

  • Complete a questionnaire from a case or contact in an outbreak setting.
  • Provide results to at a meeting reviewing a healthcare associated infection.

Learning outcomes

# Learning outcome

Investigate outbreaks and public health incidents in a range of settings


Formulate reports contributing to management and monitoring of outbreaks and public health incidents using descriptive epidemiological methods


Interpret, apply and audit adherence to local, national and international policy and guidelines on infection control and prevention, and public health


Apply the principles of antimicrobial stewardship to ensure effective use of antimicrobials


Interpret pathogen typing results in the context of infection control and prevention and public health


Interpret the results of test carried out at reference laboratories and formulate a plan for actions


Practice in partnership with health protection and field services teams in the routine management of infectious diseases and surveillance of notifiable pathogens and diseases and in response to outbreaks and incidents

Clinical experiences

Clinical experiences help you to develop insight into your practice and a greater understanding of your specialty's impact on patient care. Clinical experiences should be included in your training plan and you may be asked to help organise your experiences. Reflections and observations from your experiences may help you to advance your practice and can be used to develop evidence to demonstrate your awareness and appreciation of your specialty.


To develop a broader understanding of their specialty practice and support the completion of assessments and competencies, a trainee should;

  1. Visit a decontamination service or suite to appreciate the service provided and roles of the multidisciplinary team involved in providing the service.
  2. Shadow the estates team working with air handling units and water quality to appreciate their role in maintaining the infrastructure and environment.
  3. Shadow a Health Protection Team or Field Service Team to appreciate their role in managing and monitoring incidents which impact public health.
  4. Visit a community setting where infections, incidents or outbreaks are being monitored or managed to appreciate the role of the team involved, the work required and impact on public health.
  5. Attend an infection control committee meeting to appreciate the purpose of the committee and the team, and its governance role in infection control and prevention.
  6. Observe a sample being taken to assess microbiological safety of water or ventilation systems to appreciate the process.
  7. Attend a Water or Ventilation Safety Group to appreciate the implications of infection control in the built environment and the need to manage exposure risk.

Academic content (MSc in Clinical Science)

Important information

The academic parts of this module will be detailed and communicated to you by your university. Please contact them if you have questions regarding this module and its assessments. The module titles in your MSc may not be exactly identical to the work-based modules shown in the e-portfolio. Your modules will be aligned, however, to ensure that your academic and work-based learning are complimentary.

Learning outcomes

  1. Describe the microbiological methods used to maintain and monitor a safe environment in relation to food, water and the environment in community and hospital settings.
  2. Explain and justify the legal framework and the role of guidelines in environmental, food and water standards.
  3. Critically evaluate the role of the clinical microbiology laboratory, infection control team and other services in the decontamination, disinfection, and sterilisation of equipment in the hospital and primary care settings and the contribution to patient care.
  4. Critically appraise the epidemiology of community acquired infectious diseases for groups that have been under-served and/or have experienced health inequality.
  5. Describe the local and national emergency preparedness procedures and understand how the process of escalation occurs.

Indicative content

  • Public health epidemiology, including study design and statistical data analysis.
  • The use of whole genome sequencing and other genomic methods for epidemiology.
  • The role of the laboratory in hospital and community-acquired outbreaks, including statutory notifications.
  • Environmental, food and water standards.
    • The legal framework and the role of guidelines
    • The role of the environmental health officer.
    • Food and water microbiology methodology and interpretation of results.
    • Importance of maintaining a safe environment by design, surveillance, and maintenance and the role of estates or building management services.
    • Environmental contamination by infectious agents: Prevention and detection
  • Mechanisms of sterilisation, disinfection, and decontamination in the laboratory and clinical settings.
  • Recognition of under-served populations or those who have experienced health inequality and understand the epidemiology and aetiology of infectious diseases in these populations.
  • Emergency preparedness:
    • Recognition and detection of a possible emerging infectious disease or deliberate release of a pathogen
    • Understand mechanisms of escalation and the local and national bodies involved


Module assigned to


Specialty code Specialty title Action
Specialty code SLS2-1-23 Specialty title Clinical Microbiology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS2-1-24 Specialty title Clinical Microbiology [2024] Action View