Module information

Module details

Regulatory Frameworks and Radiation Protection
Module code

Aim of this module

This module will provide trainees with an in-depth understanding of the regulatory framework governing Nuclear Medicine, and with expertise in ensuring the safety of patients, staff and the public with respect to ionising radiation from radioactive materials and x-rays.

Work-based content

Training activities

# Learning outcome Training activity Type Action
# 1 Learning outcome 1 Training activities

Carry out a gap analysis of departmental Employer’s Procedures against the content of IRMER legislation

Type DTA Action View
# 2 Learning outcome 1 Training activities

Perform a diagnostic reference level (DRL) audit for a selection of nuclear medicine and CT or hybrid procedures

Type DTA Action View
# 3 Learning outcome 1,5 Training activities

Calculate the effective doses from an accidental or unintended radiopharmaceutical exposure and an accidental or unintended CT exposure. Report the findings and recommend next steps

Type DTA Action View
# 4 Learning outcome 2,5,6,7 Training activities

Write or critically review a prior radiation risk assessment for one or more elements of a complex radionuclide therapy

Type DTA Action View
# 5 Learning outcome 2,6,7 Training activities

Lead a rehearsal of local contingency plans

Type DTA Action View
# 6 Learning outcome 1,2,5,6 Training activities

Critically appraise the radiation protection advice provided by the department to patients and those caring for them

Type DTA Action View
# 7 Learning outcome 2,6 Training activities

Provide training on the local rules for a controlled area

Type DTA Action View
# 8 Learning outcome 3 Training activities

Record, store and dispose of radioactive waste

Type ETA Action View
# 9 Learning outcome 3 Training activities

Perform an audit of the department’s practice against  EPR permit conditions and make recommendations based on findings

Type DTA Action View
# 10 Learning outcome 4 Training activities

Consign or receive a package of radioactive material and confirm adherence with transport regulations

Type ETA Action View


Complete 2 Case-Based Discussions

Complete 2 DOPs or OCEs

Direct Observation of Practical Skills Titles

  • Perform a sealed sources wipe test.
  • Perform contamination monitoring after work with radioactive materials.
  • Determine the transport index for a package of radioactive material.

Observed Communication Event Titles

  • Give advice to a pregnant healthcare professional in connection with Nuclear Medicine.
  • Give radiation safety advice to a patient and/or their carer/comforter.
  • Present patient dose data to a multidisciplinary audience.

Learning outcomes

# Learning outcome

Interpret, apply and audit adherence to the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulations (IRMER) and related guidance in the Nuclear Medicine environment.


Interpret, apply and audit adherence to the Ionising Radiations Regulations (IRR) and related guidance in the Nuclear Medicine environment.


Interpret, apply and audit adherence to the Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) in the Nuclear Medicine environment.


Interpret, apply and audit adherence to the Carriage of Dangerous Goods (CDG) and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations in the Nuclear Medicine environment.


Estimate incidental, occupational and medical radiation doses to the public, healthcare professionals, patients and their carers and comforters.


Explain appropriate radiation safety requirements and precautions to healthcare professionals, patients and their carers and comforters.


Determine and demonstrate actions to be taken in the event of an incident involving radioactive materials.

Clinical experiences

Clinical experiences help you to develop insight into your practice and a greater understanding of your specialty's impact on patient care. Clinical experiences should be included in your training plan and you may be asked to help organise your experiences. Reflections and observations from your experiences may help you to advance your practice and can be used to develop evidence to demonstrate your awareness and appreciation of your specialty.


  1. Attend a radiation protection committee (or equivalent) and health and safety meetings to appreciate lines of accountability for ensuring the safety of patients, staff and the public with respect to ionising radiation and radioactive materials.
  2. Attend clinical governance and/or quality meetings in which incidents and their investigation/resolution are presented.
  3. Attend an RPA/RWA/MPE audit to appreciate the value of expert advice in compliance with radiation protection legislation.

Academic content (MSc in Clinical Science)

Important information

The academic parts of this module will be detailed and communicated to you by your university. Please contact them if you have questions regarding this module and its assessments. The module titles in your MSc may not be exactly identical to the work-based modules shown in the e-portfolio. Your modules will be aligned, however, to ensure that your academic and work-based learning are complimentary.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module the trainee will be able to:

  1. Critically appraise the legislation and guidance that ensures safe working in the Nuclear Medicine environment.
  2. Apply integrative knowledge of the physical principles and safe use of ionising radiations used in healthcare.
  3. Apply integrative knowledge of the physical principles and operation of dose and contamination monitoring equipment, including personal dosimeters.
  4. Apply radiation protection principles and legislation to the design of radiation facilities.
  5. Calculate absorbed and effective doses from medical applications of radioactive materials and x-rays.

Indicative content

IRMER – Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulation Regulatory framework regarding protection of patients with respect to ionising radiation employer’s procedures, responsibilities (referrer, employer, practitioner, operator, MPE), ARSAC (including licensing requirements), DRLs and adjustments to adult DRLs, dose optimisation (radioactive sources and x-ray), SAUE and CSAUE, guidelines (RCR, M&DGN), governance structure and accountability (MPE/RPC/CQC etc.)
IRR – Ionising Radiations Regulations Regulatory framework regarding protection of staff and the public with respect to ionising radiation, radiation workers, classified workers, room designation and signage

Contingency planning and emergency scenarios, local rules, dose limits and personal dose monitoring, radiation monitors, hazards and risk assessment

Working safely in the radiation environment

Wipe testing, contamination monitoring and decontamination, guidelines (ACOP)

Role of RPS, RPA, governance structure and accountability (RPA/RPC/HSE etc.)

EPR – Environmental Permitting Regulations Regulatory framework regarding accountability for holding and disposing of radioactive materials, Waste management – decay in storage, disposal routes, BAT

Environmental impact assessment, control of releases, security, role of RWA, governance structure and accountability (RWA/RPC/EA etc.)

CDG and Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations Regulatory framework regarding the transport of radioactive materials, Packaging requirements and consignment documentation, dose rate measurements and wipe tests, security, governance structure and accountability (DGSA/RPC/ONR etc.)


ALARP/ALARA principles, justification, optimisation, limits, dosimetry quantities and units (including the dosimetry underlying regulatory limits), calculation of absorbed and effective doses to patients for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including CT imaging, biological effects of ionising radiation and risk factors, basics of radiation protection standards (e.g. epidemiology, linear no threshold hypothesis for stochastic effects, deterministic effects), dose rate meters, contamination monitors and personal dosimeters: principles of operation, calibration and quality assurance, audits and incident reporting and their role in governance and safety culture

Module assigned to


Specialty code Specialty title Action
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