Competency information
Plan and prepare for the recording of a paediatric EEG
- Local Standard Operating Procedure for paediatric EEG
- The range of paediatric conditions requiring an EEG investigation
- Special needs of paediatric patients
- The referral system for paediatric EEG
- The range and types of information required and its importance
- Checking for validity of information
- Appropriate action to be taken in the event of missing or invalid information
- The purpose of paediatric EEG and its appropriateness for the conditions presented
- Assessment of appropriateness of the investigation requested with respect to the clinical question and referral
- Possible patient needs and environmental needs
- Factors that may influence the duration and quality of investigations
- The different activation procedures used in paediatric EEG, their indications, contraindications, risks and benefits
- The physiology of hyperventilation
- Grades of photoparoxysmal response
- Safe and correct operation of the equipment to be used, including all peripheral devices
- The importance of confirming the patient’s identity from the referral document and correct entry on the recording system
- The importance of establishing and maintaining effective communication with the patient, including explaining the test in a manner that will ensure cooperation
- The importance of checking there is adequate storage volume for the investigation to be performed
- The effects of sensitivity, display speed, filters, CMRR and sampling rate
- The range of electrodes and transducers used in paediatric EEG recordings
- Factors of key importance to patient history
- Information that should be recorded and the checks for validity
- Effects of medication on the paediatric EEG, including that which may be administered for or during the EEG
- Electrode placement systems used in paediatric EEG
- Potential requirement for modification of the plan
Relevant learning outcomes
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