Module information

Module details

Research Skills in Healthcare Science
Module code

Aim of this module

This module will prepare trainees to undertake their own project to contribute to the improvement of patient care. On completion of this module trainees will be equipped with knowledge of research, service evaluation and audit. Trainees will appreciate the lifecycle of a project and the methodology required, including qualitative and quantitative research methods, ethical considerations, sharing results and the importance of public and patient involvement. Trainees will also have an awareness of the research environment within the NHS and wider healthcare environment.

Work-based content

Training activities

# Learning outcome Training activity Type Action
# 1 Learning outcome 1,2 Training activities

Develop and agree a project proposal with your training officer/workplace supervisor

Type DTA Action View
# 2 Learning outcome 3 Training activities

Complete a literature review and discuss your findings with your training officer/workplace supervisor

Type DTA Action View



This module has no work-based assessments.

Learning outcomes

# Learning outcome

Identify a valid project question.


Plan and prepare a proposal for a project to improve patient care considering appropriate elements including methodology, ethics, data analysis and patient and public involvement.


Critically appraise and interpret the literature and evidence base relevant to a project question.

Clinical experiences



There is no clinical experiential learning associated with this module.

Academic content (MSc in Clinical Science)

Important information

The academic parts of this module will be detailed and communicated to you by your university. Please contact them if you have questions regarding this module and its assessments. The module titles in your MSc may not be exactly identical to the work-based modules shown in the e-portfolio. Your modules will be aligned, however, to ensure that your academic and work-based learning are complimentary.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module the trainee will be able to:

  1. Critically compare and contrast research approaches and methodologies within the framework of UK healthcare research ethics and governance (including public and patient involvement) across the lifecycle of a research project.
  2. Evaluate the role of evidence-based practice in healthcare, including the role of current statutory and advisory regulatory bodies.
  3. Critically appraise and interpret the literature and evidence base, including the use of study reporting guidelines.

Indicative content

Research Planning Process

  • Research Philosophy:
    • Identification and framing of a clinical research question: What is the research question?
  • Research project lifecycle.
  • Managing a project:
    • Time management.
    • Risk.
  • Application of research to clinical practice:
    • Evidence based practice.
    • Translation of research to clinical practice.
  • Research planning and proposal including how to incorporate peer review and expert advice.
  • Importance and impact of patient and public involvement throughout the research process.
  • Identifying a project as research, service improvement or audit.
  • Awareness of:
    • Standards for PPI involvement.
    • Patient participation vs patient involvement.
    • Delivery of clinical trials within the NHS.

Research in the NHS and wider healthcare community

  • Awareness of:
    • How research is carried out in the NHS.
    • Collaborative research with partners inside and outside the NHS.
    • Horizon scanning.
    • Drivers for research.
    • Costing and budgeting.
    • Research funding.

Research Governance and Ethics

  • The importance and role of ethics in research, including generating ethical research questions.
  • Patient consent and safety.
  • Good Clinical Practice.
  • Data protection, confidentiality, and Caldicott principles.
  • Awareness of:
    • Where approval is required and routes to approval.
    • Study sponsorship, including responsibility and roles.

Research Aims and Objectives

  • Literature review.
  • Critical appraisal.
  • Hypothesis generation.
  • Awareness of systematic review methodologies.

Research Methodology

  • Study design, including selecting appropriate methodology
  • Qualitative approaches:
    • Grounded theory approach.
    • Thematic.
    • Ethnography.

Research Data

  • Data access and sources.
  • Data management.
  • Data quality.
  • Information governance.
  • Qualitative and quantitative relationship.
  • Limitations of data.
  • Critical appraisal.
  • Method selection.
  • Awareness of:
    • Sources of data.
    • The validation process.

Research Statistics

  • Basic statistical tests:
    • Sample size and power.
    • ROC.
    • Bland Altman.
    • T Tests.
    • Para/nonparametric.
  • Statistical and clinical significance.
  • Error and distribution of data.
  • Clinical specificity and sensitivity.
  • PPV/NPV and prevalence.
  • Incidence and outcomes.

Critical Analysis

  • Reporting guidelines and best practice.
  • Critical appraisal tools.

Scientific Research Communication

  • Scientific communication skills, including communicating appropriately for the audience including lay.
  • Channels for dissemination.
  • Publication etiquette.
  • Scientific writing:
    • Referencing.
    • Writing a peer review paper/article.
    • Identifying information to publish.


  • Awareness of:
    • Innovation pathway.
  • Intellectual property.

Module assigned to


Specialty code Specialty title Action
Specialty code SLS1-1-22 Specialty title Clinical Biochemistry [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-2-22 Specialty title Haematology & Transfusion Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-3-22 Specialty title Clinical Immunology [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-4-22 Specialty title Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-1-22 Specialty title Embryology [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-2-22 Specialty title Andrology [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-4-22 Specialty title Histopathology [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-1-22 Specialty title Genomics [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-2-22 Specialty title Genomic Counselling [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-3-23 Specialty title Cancer Genomics [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-1-22 Specialty title Cardiac Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-2-22 Specialty title Vascular Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-3-22 Specialty title Respiratory & Sleep Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-5-22 Specialty title Critical Care Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-2-22 Specialty title Ophthalmic & Vision Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-3-22 Specialty title Neurophysiology [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS3-1-22 Specialty title Gastrointestinal Physiology [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS3-2-22 Specialty title Urodynamic Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-1-22 Specialty title Radiotherapy Physics [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-2-22 Specialty title Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-5-22 Specialty title Nuclear Medicine [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-6-22 Specialty title Radiation Safety and Diagnostic Radiology [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPE2-1-22 Specialty title Pharmaceutical Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPE3-4-22 Specialty title Clinical Engineering [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPE4-1-22 Specialty title Reconstructive Science [2022] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-1-22 Specialty title Clinical Bioinformatics Genomics [2022] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-2-22 Specialty title Clinical Scientific Computing [2022] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-3-22 Specialty title Clinical Informatics [2022] Action View
Specialty code SLS2-1-23 Specialty title Clinical Microbiology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-3-22 Specialty title Cancer Genomics [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-1-22 Specialty title Audiology [2022] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-1-23 Specialty title Audiology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-1-23 Specialty title Cardiac Science [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-1-23 Specialty title Clinical Biochemistry [2023] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-1-23 Specialty title Clinical Bioinformatics Genomics [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-2-23 Specialty title Andrology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPE3-4-23 Specialty title Clinical Engineering [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-3-23 Specialty title Clinical Immunology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-3-23 Specialty title Clinical Informatics [2023] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-2-23 Specialty title Clinical Scientific Computing [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-5-23 Specialty title Critical Care Science [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-1-23 Specialty title Embryology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS3-1-23 Specialty title Gastrointestinal Physiology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-2-23 Specialty title Genomic Counselling [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-1-23 Specialty title Genomics [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-2-23 Specialty title Haematology & Transfusion Science [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-4-23 Specialty title Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics [2023] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-4-23 Specialty title Histopathology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-2-23 Specialty title Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-3-23 Specialty title Neurophysiology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-5-23 Specialty title Nuclear Medicine [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-2-23 Specialty title Ophthalmic & Vision Science [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPE2-1-23 Specialty title Pharmaceutical Science [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-6-23 Specialty title Radiation Safety and Diagnostic Radiology [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-1-23 Specialty title Radiotherapy Physics [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPE4-1-23 Specialty title Reconstructive Science [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-3-23 Specialty title Respiratory & Sleep Science [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS3-2-24 Specialty title Urodynamic Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-2-23 Specialty title Vascular Science [2023] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-1-24 Specialty title Audiology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-3-24 Specialty title Cancer Genomics [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-1-24 Specialty title Cardiac Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-1-24 Specialty title Clinical Biochemistry [2024] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-1-24 Specialty title Clinical Bioinformatics Genomics [2024] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-3-24 Specialty title Clinical Informatics [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPE3-4-24 Specialty title Clinical Engineering [2024] Action View
Specialty code SBI1-2-24 Specialty title Clinical Scientific Computing [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-3-24 Specialty title Clinical Immunology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPE2-1-24 Specialty title Pharmaceutical Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-5-24 Specialty title Critical Care Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-6-24 Specialty title Radiation Safety and Diagnostic Radiology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS3-1-24 Specialty title Gastrointestinal Physiology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-2-24 Specialty title Genomic Counselling [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS4-1-24 Specialty title Genomics [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-2-24 Specialty title Haematology & Transfusion Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS1-4-24 Specialty title Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-4-24 Specialty title Histopathology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-2-24 Specialty title Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-3-24 Specialty title Neurophysiology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-5-24 Specialty title Nuclear Medicine [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-2-24 Specialty title Ophthalmic & Vision Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPE1-1-24 Specialty title Radiotherapy Physics [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPE4-1-24 Specialty title Reconstructive Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-2-24 Specialty title Andrology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS3-1-24 Specialty title Embryology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-3-24 Specialty title Respiratory & Sleep Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS1-2-24 Specialty title Vascular Science [2024] Action View
Specialty code SLS2-1-24 Specialty title Clinical Microbiology [2024] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-3-25 Specialty title Neurophysiology: Intraoperative Neuromonitoring [2025] Action View
Specialty code Specialty title [] Action View
Specialty code Specialty title [] Action View
Specialty code Specialty title [] Action View
Specialty code SPS2-3-25 Specialty title Neurophysiology: Interoperative Neuromonitoring [Neurophysiology: Interoperative Neuromonitoring] Action View